Privacy Statement is firmly committed to protecting the privacy of its users. We aim to provide you a secure online experience and to ensure that any information you submit to us is private and used/disclosed only for the purposes and in the means described below.
The Service will require job seekers, employers and recruiters to submit various information in order to conduct and optimize the job/candidate search and matching process. All information is submitted exclusively on a voluntary basis.

Information We Collect

We collect the personal information you choose to provide us. We also collect non-personal information about you, which includes demographic information and how you use and interact with We may also acquire information about you from third parties to further personalize and enhance your experience.

How We Use Information

We use the information we collect about you to deliver the products and services we offer, respond to you, and operate and improve our sites and applications. Our services include showing you personalized content and advertising on or other sites with which we have a business relationship. We may use your information to contact you about Human Capital S.A.L updates, conduct surveys, or to provide informational and service-related communications, including important security updates.
Information you share in public areas of or place in the searchable resume database may be accessed, used, and stored by others around the world. We strive to provide a safe, secure environment by attempting to limit access to our database to legitimate users, but we cannot guarantee that unauthorized parties will not gain access. We also cannot control how authorized users store or transfer information you give to us, so you should not post sensitive information to

How We Share Information

We share your information with third parties who help us deliver our products and services to you. These third parties may not use your information for any other purpose.
We may use your information to contact you about products or services available from our affiliates.
We may disclose your information to third parties who may contact you about their products or services.
We also share information where legally required.
We may disclose and transfer information to a third party who acquires any or all of Human Capital S.A.L’s business units.

How We Store Information

We store your information to make your interaction with more efficient, practical, and relevant. You may review, update, or delete the personal information you share with us at any time by accessing your account. If your personal information was previously accessed by others using, we are unable to review, update or delete the information from their systems.


To fully participate in our job and candidate databases or search activities, we require you to register as a Human Capital S.A.L. member. Non-registered users are granted partial participation access eg. Non-registered job seekers may view positions but not company contact information.

To register, we will ask for contact information (job seekers and employers) and information on your company (employers). Human Capital S.A.L. is the sole owner of information collected on the registration pages and we will not disclose this information to anyone outside of Human Capital S.A.L. Your contact information (such as name and email address may however be used to contact you about any features/services on our site which we believe may be of interest. Our goal is to provide our users with a personalized experience every time they log onto and to that end we may direct you to jobs/articles/forums etc. that we think may assist you in your career/lifestyle activities.

Personal Profiles

Members build their personal profiles on the Service through entering specific personal data, making preference choices, freely answering questions or attaching their CVs.
It is not the Company’s policy to seek any sensitive information through the Service unless legally required for recruitment purposes. Sensitive information includes data relating to race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, or criminal record. We suggest that you do not provide sensitive information of this nature. If you do wish to provide sensitive information for any reason, the Company accepts your explicit consent to use that information in the ways described in this Privacy Policy or as described at the point where you choose to disclose.
In order to present you as a candidate on a vacancy, your personal information will be provided to other Service Members who maybe potential recruiters, affiliates, and recruitment agents. If you do not wish to participate in this service and benefit from the career opportunities that the Service provides, please do not enter your personal information into the website.
Information obtained by the site is used only for the intended purposes stated. It is the Company's policy not to sell or share your personal information for related or unrelated purposes to non-licensee third parties, unless otherwise stated at the time of collection.
If at any time we decide to use personal data in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will endeavor to notify you and give you a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner. No notification and choice will be sought if the Company is compelled or required by applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance, or court order to disclose personal data.
You may edit/change/amend information on personal profile at any point in time. You may also remove your CVs from the Service at any point in time.

Job Postings

Employers are asked to submit detailed contact information and information about the position requirements as part of their job posting activity. Information is submitted purely voluntarily. Job details may be viewed by any registered job seeker members. Non-members may view position but do not have access to contact details; they must register first to be able to able to apply to job postings. Your privacy will thus be assured while job seekers have the option to reply to the posting.

You may change/modify/delete any information you provide at any point in time.

Privacy Commitment Changed will continue to commit itself to protecting and maximizing our users' privacy.

We will update you on an ongoing basis on any changes/enhancements in our privacy practices.

The Human Capital SAL Changes: Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated promptly on this page.


This Web site is owned and controlled by Human Capital S.A.L.
Refunds are issued at the discretion of the company management within 30-days period after date of purchase. In your claim, please, include explanation of reasons for a refund, and your order information. Prior to ordering, please, make sure you have carefully read and understood our offerings. If you are not sure, please contact our Customer Support Service by sending an email to All inquiries are free of charge. Upon confirmation of your request for a refund, you must also destroy all copies of the material you may have received and/or stored in any place. No refunds are issued on candidate profiles for which you have requested contact details.

Human Capital S.A.L gives you complete assurance that if anything goes wrong - you can easily receive a 100% refund. However, the chance that something will go wrong is next to impossible. For details please read below:

The policy can be divided into 2 sections:

  1. Before requesting contact details of the candidates’ profiles you ordered.
  2. After requesting the contact details of the candidates’ profiles you ordered.

In both cases if you live at the territory of the Lebanon and paid VAT in the process of payment transaction, you do not receive it back with a refund. You get back only the money or a percent of the price stated in the Prices section of the website. VAT, Bundles and Discounts are not refundable.

Before requesting contact details of the candidates’ profiles you ordered:
You can qualify for a 100% refund if:

  • There was a payment mistake (identical orders, double payment, etc).
  • We are not able to provide you with any suitable candidate profile based on the job description / requirements given.
  • You don't need to see the contact details of any candidate profile. 

Order Review

Where you have made a purchase request for a bundle of profiles (5, 10 or 15) and requested the contact details of some of the profiles sold to you, you will be entitled for 1 free review of the remaining anonymous profiles purchased. In the case where you find that the reviewed profiles are also not satisfactory, you can set this order by writing a note "Please set this order on Dispute Status" on your personal order page or by writing directly to us to

There are several important points you need to consider when setting the order on dispute:

  1. In case of a dispute you will have to provide strong reasons, examples to back up your claim.
  2. It will take some time to resolve the dispute: communicate with the recruiter, send the profile you purchased for evaluation against job description and job requirements you have provided etc. Sometimes we may ask for additional materials or evidence to support your request.
  3. Each case is reviewed separately; every decision concerning refund is taken after careful consideration. The refund percentage is suggested independently in each case.
  4. Failure to provide the information required for dispute resolution within 14 days will result in annulment of the dispute and no refund will be possible thereafter.
  5. For all orders that are placed on Dispute status, you have 14 days period to resolve the situation with the Dispute Manager. If you fail to provide required information or feedback within time provided, dispute will be automatically closed.

After requesting the contact details of the candidates’ profiles you ordered:

  • No refund will be granted on any candidates’ profiles for which contact details have been requested and forwarded to Client.